We are starting to realize that we are actually going to have a baby and we are getting more prepared for that. There's even a cradle in our room - how strange is that? We are pretty pumped about it, but there are times when all we can do is laugh about the amount of unknowns and question marks floating around in the very near future. It's funny, right? Laughing is the only thing to do, right?
We have made progress on getting what we need to comprehend and deal with the next step. We have a new oncologist whom Mark and I are both really excited about, our counsellor at the BCCA has remained a huge support and advocate for us, we are connected with a radiologist who is known to be very skilled and at the top of the game, and then of course there is Dr. Joseph who is like a guardian angel for us. Having an oncologist, with 30 years experience, call you at home at 10 in the evening just to make sure you are feeling o.k., and then inviting you to his house for tea and a meeting to make sure any questions or worries are settled sure makes us feel incredibly lucky and well looked after. Did I mention the furnished comfortable apartment we are renting belongs to Dr. Joseph and his lovely wife Fiona too? Amazing. We will be getting more details on the radiation and the schedule for the upcoming weeks on Monday or Tuesday this week. We will keep you posted.
My best bud Sarah has been here with us for the past week and while challenging for her I am sure, it has been a real treat for both Mark and I to have her with us. She is laid back, open and compassionate and is super easy for both of us to be around. Plus as I type right now, she is making us an apple pie.
Finally, this week has been filled with many emails and posts of support and encouragement and it has boosted us in a way that can't be described. It is amazing to feel that web of support and it is growing to places we did not know. We have heard from old friends, friends of friends and friends of relatives and we are genuinely touched that people are following our story and let us know they are thinking of us. Thank you.
I am glad to hear that you two have been able to spend less time in the hospital and more time soaking in the sights and sounds of Vancouver. Dr. Joseph sounds like an angel and I am happy to know that you are both in such good hands! You two are amazing - your strength is incredible and I know you know this, but we are all here for you. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING that I can do. Love you both lots! xo Claire
Dear Megan & Mark
Just to say that you are both in my thoughts and prayers right now. Sorry to hear about your recent set back but I know that, because you are both so positive and upbeat,things will work out for you and that the new treatments will work wonders. I wish you well with the birth of your baby which is fast approaching. God bless Breeda (Coventry)
Hi Meghan and Mark, it's Lisa Morgan. Not sure if you remember me Meghan but I danced with Bri. I was Lisa Dwyer then. I just want to let you guys know that I am following your journey and my heart and good wishes are with the three of you. Your love for each other and beautiful spirit is so inspiring. Keep that spirit strong. You will smash this. Lots of love, Lisa
Mark (and fam), Ameen just filled me in on what's happening. Just checking in to cheer you on. Lots of love and thoughts, Danny.
Look at your belly!!!
God bless you both (without sounding too churchy)
Jan xoxo
Hi you two and 4/5ths;
I was cursing my "Smash it" bracelet a couple of weeks ago. I lost it while raking leaves in my backyard. I thought 'If only Mark were into Barney and the bracelet was a bright purple. Or really into stop signs and the bracelet was red' (I went through many scenarios). In an amazing turn of events, I found it last week when I was least looking for it. I feel an amazing turning of events coming your way...
Always love, Robin.
Hurray for the therapeutic powers of apple pie! Hurray for the heroic return of mark's appetite. Joy for the cradle just waiting to be filled with beautiful bouncing baby. Thank god for the good doctor. Love to you both, keep smashing away, try not to let the rain get you down, stay warm and dry and rest and I will check in a few days. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Mandy
Mark (and Meghan and bump),
Just wanted to let you know that your one-time UTS acquaintances are rooting for you and sending you super-extreme-smashing rays from T.O.
Best wishes for the safe and healthy arrival of your babe.
- Daron E. and Jonny B.
Hey Guys,
Another UTSer recently referred to this blog. Scary yet inspiring stuff. The good side is you have so much to fight for!
Thoughts are with you,
I wrote a comment the other day but I just saw it wasn't posted. Just wanted to say yay for an appetite and for eating and for baby on the way!!!
thinking of you guys always
Erin, Van and Jan
Dear Mark and Meghan
Just wanted to let you both know that we are thinking about you always and sending smashy vibes too!!! We are making plans to head to T.O for the Benefit on Dec 5th. It will be amazing to be in a room full of Mark and Meg love! Give the baby belly a rub! Love to you all xoxox Vallee, Ben , Jack n' Sonny
I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and here are some of the things I've been thinking about:
-boiling a pig's head
-eating fudgeos in your basement
-studying for a latin exam by playing doom and taunting each other in latin
-the fact that, to this day, for know particular reason, I find myself saying Shhhhuuuuudup! Whatkinedressing?
- Also, he was a bear.
I've been getting a lot of amusement out of these thoughts lately, and I thought perhaps they might lift your spirits as well.
Matt L-P
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