Radiation. Not baby.
After a series of informative appointments and meetings yesterday, we learned lots more about my upcoming radiation regime, and we're all ready to go. Yesterday I was fitted with a custom plastic mesh mould that will hold my head in precise placement for each treatment so that the radiation can be directed exactly where it needs to go. It looks like something out of Tron. After a CT scan to help plan the treatment, we met with our Radiation Oncologist Dr. Parsons in the afternoon. She explained that I'll be getting 3500 centigrays of Whole Brain Radiation treatments over 20 cycles. The treatments will take place once a day, Monday to Friday, and they were able to schedule me in for my first appointment today. The decision on this treatment plan was made by an entire team of specialists, based on the premise that we want to Smash this thing, that I'm young and healthy with a good brain, and that with all of you and a baby on our side, my system will be able to handle this treatment. So we're going for it.

Meg in the waiting room, handling the paperwork (as usual)
The treatment today was no sweat. The entire thing took about ten minutes, and the radiation was only directed at me for about two minutes (about a minute on each side). The treatment unit, (like just about everything at the BCCA) is very well run and designed, and the technicians and support staff, (like just about everyone at the BCCA) are incredibly courteous, efficient, and friendly. They allowed Meg in the room to watch the setup, explained the whole process, and generally made the whole thing very comfortable. In general, it was a bit of a sci-fi experience, with the air momentarily being filled with an electric blue light and an ozone smell. Maybe there was something in the room with me, and I'll develop some kind of Spidey powers.
"The mask"
"The machine"
I should feel OK for now, and then within a couple of weeks, I'll lose most of my hair, and likely experience nausea, headaches, fatigue etc for a while. The cost of a cure. So off we go. With the current schedule, I should have my final radiation treatment on Monday, December 21st, three days after the baby's due date, four days before Christmas, and the day that my parents arrive. We like things dramatic around here. As I write this, Meg's whipping up a batch of her famous Caribou spaghetti sauce, and all thus feels right with the world. We can't thank all of you enough for your continued thoughts and messages. Let's get this done.
Callan. Just catching up to this news now. I'm with you on the smash. You will rock it! Many congrats to you both on the pregnancy. Loving the pics.
Much love
Callan - I am glad to hear that the first round is behind you and that it was short and sweet - I must say you do look like some sort of super hero with that mask on! Glad to hear Megs is making home cooked meals and that the two of you can feel the love and support behind you... cause it sure is strong!
Big Massive Smashy Hugs to you! xo
Hello my darlings...
Love, pride, admiration! Meg you are the hottest pregnant woman i have ever seen, you are like a pregnant yogi. And Mark, i just know that you are working so hard at smashing away and I am just so moved and proud. I wish I could be at the fundraiser at the Legion in T.O...but I will be there in spirit. I just wanted to send love and hugs and smashy vibes, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo You guys already are superheroes by the way
love mandy
smashy vibes from jamaica mon! git 'er done. we are soaking up lots of sunshine and sending it your way. can you feel it?
maybe you can incorporate that mask thingy into your ps3 profile... it looks like something from assassins creed. fudgenasty ain't got nothin' on you baby. different game, but whatever.
take care, hope to chat soon. give the baby a rub and take it easy meg! feet up.
Hey guys.. I haven't been in touch yet but I have bee thinking about both of lot's. I have to tell you that this blog is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
It makes me cry and cry... but such a good cry of the amazing love and resilience you both shine.
Mark, you are an amazing writer. Of course, your story is captivating and we are all sending you love and prayers but also you are a great storyteller and I hope you keep writing.
Sending you love and peace and healing.
Ruth Lera
Hey Mark,
The Smashy Vibes are still coming from the law program!! I see a smashey shirt at least once a day!!
Glad to hear Meg's is keeping you strong with caribou meat! and super happy to hear the BC Hospitals are taking care of you.
Keep up the Fight and we will keep sending the smashey powers from law.
Although now that I'm the tech I think some of the smashey powers are spent kicking my but around the field house :)
Take care of your self buddy!!!
There isn't a day that passes where you both aren't in our thoughts. Mark - I keep expecting you to pop by the desk to chat - that's how much your spirit is around us.
Meg - I have to say that I've never seen anyone more radiant and I've seen a LOT of preggie women in my 51 years. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
CO Services is the same - crazy as ever. All officers are in for meetings/training this week so the energy is as high as ever. Mark - by the time we have the next session, you'll be with us - geared up in a uniform and all. Definately something we're all looking forward to.
Your happy, positive vibes are reaching all of us at the office. Are you feeling the love from us?
If there's anything I can do for the 3 of you - just let me know. Nothing is too great to do for ya.
Meg, if you want those bedrooms painted, just pick the color and I'll be happy to do it.
Lots of love and big hugs!
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