Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We're Back

After an all too brief side trip to Whitehorse, we are back at the BC Cancer Agency getting all chemoed up again. The blog laid dormant for a while (or benign as we refer to things nowadays) because we were without internet and too busy enjoying the fall to be typing anyhow. Mark was able to escape to the bush for a few days which was likely more healing than any of the tablets and liquids he is taking here. Sounds like a good time was had by Mark and his three male nurses/hunting partners, I will let him write his own update on that. (Fear not, the moose survived).

Medically, things have been plugging along. I think I mentioned that Mark's kidneys were having a difficult time last round and that continues to be a factor. He had his levels tested up in Whitehorse and they still hadn't dropped they way they were 'supposed to' - in fact they went up quite a bit. He stayed overnight at the Whitehorse hospital for one night to get some more hydration in him. When his levels were tested this morning they were still not as low as they were at the start of last treatment. This means they adjust the dose of the chemotherapy accordingly. Sounds like it is not too major a change - 10% if that means anything to any of you.
Also, Mark had a CT scan yesterday to check in on the progress of his tumours. Again, because of the kidneys they were not able to use the contrast dye which gives a much clearer picture. Our doctor said the scans showed one lesion was gone one had shrunk a bit and one looked about the same. There are more then three in there, so obviously this is not a full report. She said the images were not great and so she ordered an MRI to get a better idea of what is going on inside that pretty little head. In a flury of excitement, there was a time slot immediatley available this afternoon. Mark was in the hospital gown and ready to go in no time... and then the test was cancelled because it would interfere with his chemo schedule. Both fortunately and unfortunately, this news did not come before he had slipped the Ativan under his tounge to help him relax during the MRI (which was eloquently described by one of Mark's good friends - hi Neil - as being locked in a small chamber with a bunch of toddlers with pots and pans). So Mark is currently enjoying some mini impairment which has been missing in his life this past six weeks. Not quite as good as a few cold pints, but he takes what he can gets, and sure seems pretty happy right now.

I had a good time in Whitehorse. It was a bit tough emotionally to be back so temporarily, but worth it. The cat couldn't care less about my being there, she is normal like that. Carl on the other hand was more than excited. In a weird 'my dog is a human' kind of way, I kind of think he gets it. He was sweet and lovely and super excited every time we came home, and he didn't become his usual stressed self when were were packing to leave again. I think it helps that he is being very well taken care of at Deb and Pete's and that he has become pretty accustomed to big changes.

The Sandiford/Higgins gang in all their Smash It glory.

When we returned we were greeted at the airport by Mark's parents (sporting some fashionable SMASH IT t-shirts) and ... my dad. My folks ended up staying down in Vancouver until yesterday on a bit of a mini holiday/recovery from working so hard getting our life organized down here. Thought I would include a photo of our previously empty freezer, post 'mom was here'.

Not too sure if you can make this out - this is what Ma has stored in the freezer.

It's three layers deep - and I haven't even had the baby yet.

Mark's folks will be here for the next ten days which is great. How lucky we are to have such great family - and friends.
That's all I got for now, Mark had the camera with him, so I didn't get too many photos in Whitehorse. Thought I would throw in this picture I took when we were here last. We found it on Mark's bedside table after one of our exercise circuts and it made me laugh.

Have a great day everyone - stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
It was great to catch up with you up here. Simon came back empty handed. He'll try again one last time this weekend with Dev. Furnace guy booked (end of Oct)...
enjoy all those yummy treats in the freezer. Don't wait for the baby, she'll (written like the mom or two she's) be happy to get them now.
Love love love,