Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi all,

Mark and Meghan are now at the BC Cancer Agency to begin Mark's first round of chemo treatment. Yesterday Mark underwent a series of tests and preparations for his body to receive the chemotherapy. The tests included an opthalmology exam, which was all clear, and a lumbar puncture to test his cerebrospinal fluid which they'll get the results of later, but don't expect to find anything. They will also do a bone marrow test tomorrow - quite a painful test by the sounds of it. The doctors want to perform these tests to rule out cancers in other areas. The doctor they met with yesterday emphasized that Mark's profile is so rare the usual statistics with this type of cancer don't really apply to his case. The fact that he is young and healthy play strongly in his favour to beat this thing.

The chemo treatment itself started this afternoon. It consists of a chemo drip for four hours, followed by 20 hours of the drug circulating in his system. Then he'll have another 4 hour drip of a'clean-up' drug that goes in to round up and get rid of the active chemo drug. Sorry I can't be more specific about this, but it gives you an idea. He'll stay in until saturday to make sure he's recovering well from the chemo. The side-effects they can expect (over the long term) include some hair loss, and inflammation of the mouth and GI tract. Nausea is also a side effect, though the anti-nausea drugs for chemotherapy are apparently quite good at getting this under control.

Meghan is able to stay there with Mark in his room during the treatment and recovery. They've both said that the doctors and nurses there have been fantastic, and they're receiving excellent care. There's a patio there, and a family lounge, and they have their computer there to receive emails - Mark even said he may try to do a blog update in the next little while, so stay tuned!

In the meantime... let's all keep sending all the LOVE and SMASHY vibes possible! The smashing has begun!!


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all day...
had tea with Deb. Carl has unusual fear of cameras! Where does this one come from? I was wondering if we thinks its a gun....He eventually stood still for a picture after he sniffed Chris' camera lense, but he refused to look at the camera.
Gotta love Uncle Carl...
love you guys!

Shelagh said...

Hey Mark and Meg. We are well on the way to the Smashy Fundraiser set for Sept 13. Lots of donations for the silent auction and lots of community support. Will send pictures of this event and of the (hopefully to become an annual event here at Environment) Pie the Senior Management Team. Excellent staff moral builder we think. TAke good care of eachother. SMASHSMASHSMASHSMASHSMASH

Krista said...

Hi Mark and Megan,


Sending you best wishes and smashy thoughts from Environment Yukon. Thank you for keeping us posted; we're thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meghan and Mark,
Thinking of you both and sending lots of love and let the smashing begin. Carl sends a woof and Kitty sends miaow.
Love, Chris and Rick

Jimmy and Eva said...

Dear Mark and Meghan,
we are sending you out best wishes from Fort St. John. We dug out the first potatos from Danny's (a wild man who lives in the backyard) garden today and we will think of you when we eat them. Jimmy and Eva

love food said...

Sending smashy vibes your way and lots of love!

Erin, Van and Jan!

Anonymous said...

I'm Bri and Graham's friend Myka. One of the dancing girls. My dad has beat two unrelated kinds of cancer in his lifetime. Think positive and you will win. Thinking of you both daily. xo

Rebecca said...

You can and will totally smash it!!