Sunday, January 24, 2010


It's a big week for us. On Thursday, I have the MRI that will help the doctors assess how well the radiation treatments worked on the remaining disease. It will be a long weekend of waiting, and then we meet with my oncologist on Monday to get the results. It seems black and white most times, like next Monday they'll tell me either "Great, yer all done, get on with yer life" or "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do". It's not really going to be like that. No matter what the MRI shows, we won't stop fighting this bugger. The best case scenario is that the MRI shows no remaining visible cancer cells, and I get periodic checkups to make sure that it hasn't come back. At one point, doctors told us that these checkups would likely be every three months, and that because of the aggressiveness of this type of lymphoma, that if it hadn't reappeared in two years, I would likely be in the clear. The worst case scenario is that the cancer has grown. We think that this is highly unlikely considering the way that I've been feeling. Even if this is the case, there are more treatment options (although no more major medical interventions that I know of right now) including alternative therapies, traditional medicine, and fly fishing in the Bahamas.  My energy level is getting better every day, and Meg and I are doing our best to get more and more exercise. Hadley keeps us on our toes, but all in all, she's a pretty easy little girl. There's almost always a reason for her crying, and fixing that reason usually stops the wailing. Having Grandma and Grandpa McGuire out here for relief sure helps too.
  Some days are better than others, but on the whole Meg and I are doing well. Dealing with uncertainty will be a skill we'll need to hone over the next little while, but we help each other out, and of course all of your support helps more than you can know. And then there's Hadley. . . I'll leave you with a couple of samples of how she makes every day brighter, and if you're really interested, you can see more here. Have a great week.
We'll let you know about our results when we do.






Rebecca said...

AAAAAAAAHHHH! The cuteness is mind-blowing.

You guys both look terrific. Thank you for posting all the pictures!

Right now my little mystery wiggly one is positioned head-down, back along the left, feet and knees kicking into the right. Apparently this is a good position so I'm hoping he or she stays there until ready to launch!

Sending love and unending smashiness.


Jo said...

wow... she is beautiful.
Thinking about you all- as always.

Anonymous said...

That last pic is so beautiful! You guys rock. Can't wait to see you in person as the amazing family you've become!!

Slocombe said...

She is just too cute! I want to squish her. What a lucky little girl she is to have you two! It was great chatting with you today Mark... sending out some seriously strong smashy vibes and looking forward to hearing the good news!


RR said...

wow! beautiful photos of beautiful people. all the best, we're still rootin' for ya up here in the Yukon!

Anonymous said...

Mark & Megan

Thank you for the wonderful pictures of you and baby Hadley. You are in by thoughts and prayers as you await the results next week. I know the news will be good.

God bless


Unknown said...

Hey Mark and Meg,

Glad to hear all three of you are doing well. Fingers crossed that the results come back the way we're all hoping. Look forward to the next good news!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and Meghan...
I cut my hair today (all of and I had enough to donate to the Cancer Society! 8 inches is what they're looking for. I have to say it feels fantastic--I was sending you three smashy smashy vibes the whole time!!! Love to you three.