Hi there. Taking care of a brand new human being takes up a lot of time (somehow), especially if you're the person providing the food, and even more so when dad needs to sleep almost as much as baby. So that's been our story for the last couple of weeks. My family has all gone home, and we think and hope that they got enough quality time with Hadley while they were here. We certainly had some great times together, and it was definitely a Christmas that we'll never forget. Meghan's parents will be here for the next few weeks to help us get through this initial time where my energy levels are low, Hadley's needs are high, and the learning curve is fairly steep. We're thankful for that. We're also thankful to all of you who have sent your well wishes and thoughts and for all of the cute little baby things we've received. We've posted some photos of Hadley and her family online
here so as not to overwhelm the blog with parental pride. Peruse at your leisure. Here are a couple of highlights for those of you who don't need to look at 50 photos and videos of someone else's baby:
So we're now in a waiting period in terms of my treatment. We're waiting for an MRI at the end of the month and the results that we'll get from our oncologist on February 1. We'll see what happens there. More on that maybe in the next post. We hope you are all having a great 2010 so far. We're really enjoying Hadley, and are taking her on her first road trip today as we escape the city for Whistler for a couple of days. Thanks again for all of the love sent our way.
Oh lord, she's SO GORGEOUS. Thanks for posting - I was in need of an M&M&H fix.
Have a good escape from the city - mountain air is good for everyone!
so sweet!! loved all the pics (don't be silly, OF COURSE we want to see them all!!). can't wait to give her a squeeze. oh and you guys too... :o) have a good time in whistler!
Hey Mark,
The CD's Were GREAT, I made copies for the team here and made one for myself. Good selection of songs bud. I hope you have a great time on your trip to the mountains you deserve it. Hadley is adorable and glad to hear you and her are getting your rest. Have a great Trip
Thanks for the posting! Hadley seems so awake and alert in the video clip. She looks so cozy in her fur-lined basket by the fire. Sending you lots of smashiness!!! Love to you all. Aisha.
How wonderful to see those photos of such a beautiful little baby Hadley and her adoring parents. You make a lovely family. Have a great time in Whistler. There is so much love flowing around those photos we can feel it in the East. Love, Rick and Chris
Hi guys!
I am very happy to see your pictures of you and the baby, they are great!
This little person is another major incentive to smash this thing for good. You look like a very proud and happy dad on pic #3. We are thinking of you.
JF, Cat, and the girls
so cute! especially the one of the little philosopher.
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