It's me, the less poetic writer Meghan. We are keeping well here. Mark is now 14/20ths through his treatments (or 7/10ths if any of my grade school teachers are reading). He is having some random side effects, likely more residual chemo stuff than from radiation but nothing big or significant enough to keep him down. He continues to keep his head down as he soldiers through this phase. I keep saying that in some strange way it is like Mark has been preparing for this for a long time. He is really good at living and dealing with all things cancer. This may be apparent when you read the blog but trust me, it is even better when you are sitting next to him. It plays to his strengths in a way that is difficult to describe and adds a huge amount of confidence for both of us and it sounds like it does for many of you too.
Mike (Mark's bro) is now here for the next month to fill in all gaps. It is a real comfort for both Mark and I having him here. He has been reading ferociously on how babies are born and what exactly 'uncle-ing' is. We have a doula and the way we have worked it out is that it is her job to know how to help with having a baby, Mark's job to support me and Mike's job to support Mark. What that job will look like is anyone's guess - certainly having a large box of kleenex on hand will be an important part. What a crazy time. My folks arrive on Monday and Mark's parents in a week following. The baby arrives sometime between today and three weeks from now. Get your guesses in (any dates that end in 2010 are not welcome, thanks).
Last weekend we had a date night out that was really amazing. We were treated like royalty at a really nice restaurant, made pigs of ourselves and headed to a Christmas concert in a beautiful theater downtown. Here is a snap from our last date as a unit of 2.
We are spending our days enjoying Vancouver, food, our apartment and one another. It has been a pretty nice time for us really. We joke about how we are living like retired folks, to bed early, up early, hot cereal for breakfast, catch the news before bed, try to get in a walk every day, knitting, reading, napping - it's not a bad life at all.
So, have a great Sunday everyone, we are doing our Christmas decorating, and then when that 10 minute activity is finished we will go for a long walk and then out to dinner tonight.
We had a nice visit with our friend Chris Higgins and while out for a walk we came across this eagle on top of a totem pole right in the city. It really felt like a powerful moment for both Mark and I. Couldn't help but feel we are being watched over, you know? Also, the zoom on our camera leaves a little (ahem, a lot) to be desired.
Wish I could go walking with you too! Just watched your movie from the fundraiser again... Mark your lovely Dad sent it to me. So great to be able to see and hear you whenever I like! I have a feeling your baby is going to be born on Wed. Dec. 16th - I'm willing to bet on this - any takers???!
Love you both lots... Mark - I hear you have shaved your head... bet you look like a handsome tough guy, determined to Smash it all up!
Keep up the great work!
Can't wait to see the first post of baby photos! xo Claire
I agree, a walk with you two would be fantastic! My guess for the baby is Solstice (December 21st) mid afternoon or early evening...
Enjoy your walk in the Doug Firs!
- Keep Smashing,
love, Aisha.
We're checking in daily and still smashin' it in Revelstoke! You guys look great and are so inspiring. We're looking forward to hearing about that baby coming down the chute!
7lbs 8oz, Dec 17.
Hi Meg and Mark,
I've been reading your blog for a while now, but haven't been in touch yet (thanks for putting the deets on Facebook btw). I loved this post, especially your date pic - what a beautiful couple! In particular I love how your blog so often makes me smile. You both have a fantastic spirit - and the number of wellwishers cheering you on is a testament to that. At first thought it seems unlikely that a blog about cancer smashing could be so uplifting, but that's what you've achieved. Thank you for sharing so openly, and know that I am thinking of you often.
Lots of love and smashy vibes from Toronto,
Tracy Garner
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