Friday, October 16, 2009

Round 4

Seamus here, long time reader, first time blogger. I have flown in from the UK to give Mark and Meghan a hand during chemo round four. I arrived just in time for Thanksgiving and luckily Mark had turned a corner on the day of my arrival, feeling much better after a tough round three. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner but I'm not too sure about "Thanksgiving", I could think of a few other terms but this is a family blog so I won't mention them.

After a couple of nice days together seeing some of the Vancouver sites round four started proper on this Tuesday. Mark got off to a slow start as he didn't feel too well on the second day but with the help of some anti-nauseous pills the last couple of days have been pretty good. I think the work on his jab and weave after round three has helped with round four as well. We're hoping Mark will be discharged on Sunday in good time for his friend Shawn's visit on Wednesday. Mark and Shawn plan on doing some fishing
near Vancouver between rounds and I wouldn't be surprised if Meghan joined them at some point as well.

It is relieving to see that Mark and Meg are well looked after here Vancouver. The facilities and care are excellent and they have a great apartment close to the cancer agency that is incredibly convenient. It is a lousy situation but at least they have an excellent setup at the BCCA and easy access to most everything they need.

Keep Smashing!


Thanksgiving Dinner

Commence Smashing.
Biohazard Mark!

1 comment:

Slocombe said...

Sweet shirt Callan! - Looking good! xo