Thinking of you all - what a difference a year makes!!! So glad you're all well! Down here...all the babies keep coming...and my daughter's 9 month old twin boys are keeping us hopping! Life is goooood!
This blog chronicles Mark and Meghan's journey in fighting Mark's CNS lymphoma. Please continue to check in - this site will be updated regularly with news, stories and photos. If you're new to this situation, you can read the background info on how we got here. Please also feel free to leave comments - it's always nice to hear from people who are far away (in body only)
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you. You can reach us in the following ways:
Cell Phone - 867-332-3795 Vancouver Apartment Phone - 604-736-6844 Skype ID - mark.and.meghan
Vancouver Apartment Address: 1405 West 15th Avenue Apt. 406 Vancouver, BC V6H 3R2 Email:
Our good friend Dave King has provided some well needed moments of lightness throughout this process. I've included some of his writing below. (he's also looking for freelance work if anyone's innnarested in his unique hip brand of wit). Enjoy:
August 21, 2009 "There are a few holes in the screenplay I'm trying write that I could really use your help with. Like, when you said goodbye to Meghan before the surgery did you just opt for the traditional meaningful stare, and hold her eye contact as they wheeled you all the away down the hall and the florescent lights reflected off the brave tears in her eyes? Or did you go for something a bit more cavalier, like making reference to some sort of private joke you share followed by whatever your pet name for Meghan is: "Guess it's my turn to scoopy dis poopy, eh Footster..."? Or was there a scene where Meghan tried to climb on the gurney and cling to your muscle shirt and you had to clutch her face in your muscular hands, pull her close and say something like "This ain't no duet, Footster. It's a table for one, dammit, and I'm the only one with a reservation..."?
Also, when the arrogant surgeon's hands failed after you came to during the operation and then bravely waved off further anesthetic, did you really take over for him and complete the operation yourself, or did you simply give the nervous younger surgeon the pep talk he needed to realize the arrogant surgeon was just jealous of him all along, and that he was not only old enough to finish this operation himself, but that he owed it to his father/mother/favourite teacher/girlfriend/or possibly dog, who never stopped believing in him?
Anyway, the networks are interested. They like that we're not going to shy away from the potential sexiness of your situation. They're particularly hot for the nurses uniforms as I've described them, and for the scenes with you and Footster in the sponge bath, and in the examination room, and up against the snack machine in the common room (good product placement opportunity here -- I'm thinking Humpty Dumpty and/or Ringolos).
I've been in touch with Hulk Hogan's people about playing you, and I figure any blond with massive jugs can play Footster.
Your creative suggestions are welcome, but wholly unnecessary. I'll let you know when it's on.
1 comment:
Thinking of you all - what a difference a year makes!!! So glad you're all well!
Down here...all the babies keep coming...and my daughter's 9 month old twin boys are keeping us hopping! Life is goooood!
xoxo Jacquie
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