Sunday, August 22, 2010

One year later

The strawberry seems like so long ago, probably because it was. There have been many veggies since then, as well as trips and events and new Hadley skills. We never really planned to have a blog about our normal life and since that is what we mostly have now-a-days, updating seems sort of strange.
In short Mark is feeling terrific and is going on a mountain sheep hunt next week (that's really hard work and is quite an accomplishment since exactly one year ago he was recovering from brain surgery). Hadley is approaching crawling, is eating breakfast lunch and dinner from a spoon and is having a great summer. I had a great trip to visit family in Ontario and am really enjoying my day to day existence as a housewife and ma.
It has officially been one year since this whole deal-io began, which is unbelievable. Makes us shake our heads.


Unknown said...

I love checking back here periodically to see new posts. It makes me smile every time I see/read/hear about the three of you and your bird chasing mascot. xo

Robin said...

Awesome picture, Megs. I presume that it is actually Mark, Hadley, and Carl and not stunt doubles. You never know. It may seem weird to post about the mundane, but to us that don't get to see you guys daily, it's actually quite exceptional.

Craig & Shannon said...

I am with Robin on this one. You know how much you appreciate blog updates of friends and family (especially adorable nieces whose names start with an H) that live far away. Please consider ongoing updates even if it is only photos with brief text. You are far and Hadley is fantastic so we never get enough.
Love Auntie Shannon