Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An update

It has been a while and now I keep putting off an update because I need a chunk of time to do it. Well, that hasn't happened and I don't have a chunk right now so this wee post will have to do until there is a bit more time.
We have our lives back now that the Olympics are over. Made it to some events and missed very few on t.v. Our free time before heading home was interrupted when Mark became quite sick and needed to go back into hospital for a bit. His white blood cell count became very low (like 0 low), and he got a brutal cold as a result. After some new medication, serious anti-biotics, hydration and a med change he is on the road to recovery and was released from hospital on Saturday. He is still far from 100% but is moving in the right direction at least.
We are planning to return to Whitehorse on March 8th and are mostly looking forward to it. The packing and planning that we need to think of for March (we have a home reno team arriving mid-March to help us get the house fixed up) is daunting and at times overwhelming, but there is sunshine on the other side and we are more than excited to be leaving the city for home. My friend Becky has landed in here to offer support and help with packing, it was amazing to have her here while Mark was in hospital and now that he is home and she is getting lots done it is even better.
That's the short and skinny, I will try to provide more details when I have more time. Here's a quickie of how cute Hadley is these days, sorry to the parents who were (previously) pretty sure they had the cutest baby in the world. Hope you are all well.


Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon Mark, and that sure is a cute baby!


Rebecca said...

HAHAHA!! I love "and sorry to every parent who previously thought they had the cutest baby in the world"! Hadley is soooo cute!!!

Thanks for the update. Glad you guys have support for the move and the sprucing up of the house in Whitehorse.


love food said...

Oh my goodness I DO think that is the cutest baby I have ever seen!!!!!! Hope Mark is feeling better and the move goes smoothly.

Anonymous said...

Actually yes, she is the cutest baby in the world. Don't tell my baby I said that! xo

Caio said...

Hi Meghan! I hope mark is doing ok.

Anonymous said...

What a little dolly!!! Hope you are feeling better! :)
Thinking of you all,
The Brinovec's

chskyridge said...

Hadley sure is a cutie - we are delighted to see just how cute she is. Glad you are back in Whitehorse and soaking up some of that wonderful warmth around you - that is a great community. Hope Mark continues to get stronger. Sending lots of love and strength. See you in June. Chris and Rick