Thursday, May 27, 2010

No News is Good News.

Not too sure where to go from here with this blog. We are happy to show off pictures of Hadley and tell you about the mundane details of our ordinary life. The truth is, it is very exciting to have an ordinary life these days. It is exactly what we were hoping for. However, it doesn't make for interesting or compelling reading. I suppose we will just keep doing periodic updates and you can check in as much or little as you like.
The cancer update is . . . We are going to Vancouver for our next check up in October. The docs liked what they saw last time and for our own sanity we have moved from three month check ups to six month check ups. The weeks and days leading up to those appointments are fairly tortuous, and we are happy to have a break from them for a while. Mark is feeling really well overall. He is back at work now which is very exciting and it really felt like a big deal when it happened. I was like a proud mama with his lunch made and camera ready the morning of. It really is an accomplishment. He is starting part time and is increasing his hours every week, it seems like it won't be too long before he is going full time. Fatigue is still an issue and finding balance with work, play and rest is something we discuss daily. What we notice most is that his recovery time is shorter and shorter. It seems now like a good night's sleep usually means a fresh start for energy. His hair is back, it is a darker, (as in black) more 'textured' (to put it kindly) version of the hair he once had. He is is a great papa and Hadley has most certainly become a 'daddy's girl'. It is pretty fun to watch her light up when he comes home.

My smile was equally big when I was taking this photo
I am doing well. We joke about how I am a 50's housewife, and I am. Fully. I spend my days cooking, cleaning, getting our supplies, sorting the baby, tending to our gigantic garden, meeting up with friends, and generally making house. It is very satisfying except when it isn't. My sister Brianna came for a visit with her baby and that was fantastic. I have started a campaign to have our families move to Whitehorse (so far no takers) but it really is the only missing piece to this beautiful place. Summer has arrived here and we are spending as much time as possible outside. Hadley had her first trip in a canoe (somewhat unsuccessful) and she and Carl get out on the trails as often as possible. We are having a real go at this gardening business. The learning curve is steep, but we have two wee green tomatoes on a plant in our greenhouse and we are hopeful the rest of our bounty will follow suit shortly.

Hadley and her Aunt Brianna
Hadley and her cousin Finley, 10 weeks and 10 sizes apart

Hadley continues to be a happy little creature. She is working on sitting on her own, not quite there yet. She loves to eat her toes and gum anything she can reach. She spends most of her days smiling and is still an amazing sleeper. We really like her.
So there you have it, an update on our regular ol' lives. Nothing noteworthy here!!!
To see the latest 'best of Hadley' pictures, click here.